M17 - The Swan Nebula

    Exposure Details
    Lens Stellarvue SVR90T Triplet APO
    Focal Length 630mm
    Focal Ratio F7
    Mount Celestron CGEMDX
    Guiding Orion Magnificient Mini Autoguider
    Camera Canon Rebel XS 1000D w/ Full Spectrum Modification
    Exposure 19 lights at 180 seconds each and 13 lights at 300 seconds each - 2 hours total exposure
    Calibration 30 darks, no flats, no bias
    Date July 5th of the year 2013
    Temperature It was a bit warm but nice and the sky was not perfect at all
    SQM Reading Bortle 2 with bad seeing
    Seeing Somewhere in the middle
    Location Comanche Springs Astronomy Campus - Crowell, TX
    Software Used Backyard EOS, Deep Sky Stacker, PixInsight, PHD Guiding
    Notes This is going to be catalogued as my first image taken from 3RF. It was this image that introduced "walking noise" to my learning curve. Scott Rosen was nice enough to critique this image for me and explained the need for dithering. Believe it or not, this image looks really good printed on metallic paper. For the heat, bad seeing and noise level that this image contains, it's not terrible by any means.


© 2015 Astrophotography by Jerry Gardner